Prof. Tieyong Zeng
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, China
Short Bio: Dr. Tieyong Zeng is a Professor at the Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Together with colleagues, he has founded the Center for Mathematical Artificial Intelligence (CMAI) since 2020 and served as the director of CMAI. He received the B.S. degree from Peking University, Beijing, China, the M.S. degree from Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Paris XIII, Paris, France, in 2000, 2004, and 2007, respectively. His research interests include image processing, optimization, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, computer vision, machine learning, and inverse problems. He has published around 100 papers in the prestigious journals such as SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Journal of Scientific Computing, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), IEEE Medical Imaging (TMI), and Pattern Recognition. He is laureate of the 2021 Hong Kong Mathematical Society (HKMS) Young Scholars Award, due to the significant contributions in mathematical imaging and data science.

Prof. Xinmin Zhang
Zhejiang University, China
Short Bio: Xinmin Zhang is a Professor with the State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China. He received the Ph.D. degree in System Science from Kyoto University, Japan, in 2019. From April 2019 to December 2019, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Systems Science, Kyoto University, Japan. From 2020 to 2023, he was an Associate Professor at the College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China. He has published more than 60 technical papers in peer-refereed journals and prestigious conference proceedings, including IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence、Science China Information Sciences. He has received several research projects, including Scientific and Technological Innovation 2030 - "New Generation Artificial Intelligence", National Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, and University-enterprise cooperation projects. He has been invited as a speaker and TPC member for several international conferences. His research interests include Industrial Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Big Data, Fault Diagnosis, Virtual Sensing Technology/Soft-sensor, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Deep Learning with applications to industrial processes.

Assoc. Prof. Lei Chen
Shandong University, China
Short Bio: Lei Chen received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Shandong University, Jinan, China, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, China. His research interests include image processing and computer vision, visual quality assessment and pattern recognition, machine learning and artificial intelligence. He was the principal investigator of projects granted from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, etc. He has published more than 30 papers on top international journals and conferences in recent years including IEEE TIP, Signal Process., ICME, etc. He was awarded the Future Plan for Young Scholars of Shandong University. He served for the ICIGP 2021, ICIGP 2022, IoTCIT 2022, and MLCCIM 2022 as Technical Co-Chair or Publicity Co-Chair.

Dr. Xiaogang Wang
Short Bio: Xiaogang Wang is a senior researcher in LIGHTSPEED STUDIOS, Singapore, where he focuses on applying computer vision techniques to design and generate 3D scenes. Before that, he was a senior engineer at Motional, Singapore, where he conducts BEV perceptions and HD map generation. Before joining Motional, he was a research fellow at National University of Singapore (NUS) from Oct. 2020 to Sep. 2021. Prior to that, he did his PhD in NUS from Aug. 2016 to Aug. 2020. He has published several top journals and conference papers, including IEEE TPAMI, CVPR, ICCV, etc. His research focuses on deep learning and computer vision, especially for 3D generation and reconstruction. He also serves as a reviewer for TPAMI, TNNLS, TVCG, TIP, RA-L, ICCV, ECCV, CVPR, IROS and ICRA.